full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Sheryl WuDunn: Our century's greatest injustice

Unscramble the Blue Letters

What we saw was a natural experiment. It is rare to get an exogenous imevntenst in girls' education. And over the years, as we followed Dai Manju, we were able to see that she was able to move out of a vicious cycle and into a votruius cycle. She not only changed her own dynamic, she cngahed her household, she changed her family, her village. The vagille became a real sntdauot. Of course, most of China was flourishing at the time, but they were able to get a road built to link them up to the rest of China.

Open Cloze

What we saw was a natural experiment. It is rare to get an exogenous __________ in girls' education. And over the years, as we followed Dai Manju, we were able to see that she was able to move out of a vicious cycle and into a ________ cycle. She not only changed her own dynamic, she _______ her household, she changed her family, her village. The _______ became a real ________. Of course, most of China was flourishing at the time, but they were able to get a road built to link them up to the rest of China.


  1. standout
  2. changed
  3. village
  4. virtuous
  5. investment

Original Text

What we saw was a natural experiment. It is rare to get an exogenous investment in girls' education. And over the years, as we followed Dai Manju, we were able to see that she was able to move out of a vicious cycle and into a virtuous cycle. She not only changed her own dynamic, she changed her household, she changed her family, her village. The village became a real standout. Of course, most of China was flourishing at the time, but they were able to get a road built to link them up to the rest of China.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
dai manju 5
high school 2
real china 2
york times 2
vicious cycle 2
virtuous cycle 2
moral challenge 2
scarce resources 2
saudi arabia 2
obstructed labor 2
embroidery business 2
united states 2
research shows 2
great fortune 2

Important Words

  1. built
  2. changed
  3. china
  4. cycle
  5. dai
  6. dynamic
  7. education
  8. exogenous
  9. experiment
  10. family
  11. flourishing
  12. household
  13. investment
  14. link
  15. manju
  16. move
  17. natural
  18. rare
  19. real
  20. rest
  21. road
  22. standout
  23. time
  24. vicious
  25. village
  26. virtuous
  27. years